Course PowerPoint slides, tables, templates, rubrics Links to course reading and supplemental Articles
Teacher Leadership ACE Levels of Use Rubric.pdf

Vessels' Rating of Programs for Promoting Prosocial Behavior and Positive Climate.pdf

Vessels' Eleven Principles Rubric for Schools.pdf

Criteria-Based Rating of Programs for Promoting Positive Behavior & Climate, a Caring Community

ACE - Vessels Curriculum Integration Template 12-10.pdf

lead5393 Action Research Circle.pptx

lead5393 Overview on Teacher Autonomy.docx


Development: slide show table on early dev 

Motivation: slide show  

Emotion: slide show 

Learning and Memory: slide show  

Intelligence: slide show  

Personality: slide show  

Circle Diagram: The Teacher as a Variable in Classroom Management

Responsive Classroom Model

Classical & Operant Conditioning in the Classroom 



Week 1 Course Readings & Discussion Resources: Beyond Networking - How large scale change really happens by Wheatley & Frieze.pdf Building a new structure for school leadership by Elmore.pdf  Myth Busters - traditional and emergent leadership by Houglum 2012.pdf Teacher Leadership by Kurtz.pdf  The Heart of a Teacher by Palmer.pdf The teacher leader - Improving schools by building social capital through shared leadership by Nappi 2014.pdf Transforming teacher leadership by Kinney.pdf What do we know about teacher leadership by York-Barr & Duke.pdf

An ecological perspective on leadership by Wielkiewicz & Stelzner.pdf  Becoming a teacher leader through action research by Diana   Distributed leadership - developing theory from practice by Timperley.pdfDistributed leadership - A literature Review by Bennett et al.pdfEvolution of professional learning communities by Shirley Hord 2008.pdf Excellent teachers leading the way by Holly Thornton.pdf From trait to transformation - The evolution of leadership theories by Johns & Moser.pdf Does participative leadership enhance work performance by inducing empowerment by Haung.pdf I am a professional - Learning communities elevate by Hord & Tobia 2012.pdf Leading without leaving the classroom by Cathy Owens.pdf Parallel leadership - A clue to the contents of the black box of school reform by Andrews & Crowther.pdf Requiring Collaboration or Distributing Leadership - by Kennedy, Deuel, Nelson & Slavit.pdf Shared Leadership for Teacher and Student Learning by Printy & Marks.pdf Servant Leadership & org trust by Rezaei et al..pdf Teacher leadership - More than just a feel-good by Harris.pdf The future of instructional teacher leader roles by Mangin & Stoelinga.pdf The virtues of leadership by Thomas Sergiovanni.pdf ●  The nesting view of democratic leadership by Kensler & Woods.pdfWhy we should seek substitutes for leadership - Sergiovanni.pdf WICS - A model of positive educational leadership comprising wisdom, intelligence, and creativity by Sternberg (1).pdf 

Week 2 Course Readings & Discussion Resources: Building supportive and friendly school environments - Voices from beginning teachers by Ferguson & Johnson.pdf Leadership support and structures make a difference . . . Wahlstrom & York-Barr.pdf Leadership = Communication - The Relations of Leaders Communication Styles with Leadership Styles by de Vries, Bakker-Pieper, & Osstenveld.pdf ● Personal professional coaching - Transforming PD for tch and adm leaders by Patti et al. 2012.pdf ● Sustainable school leadership - The teacher perspective by Cook 2014.pdf Upward supportive comunication for school principals by De Nobile.pdf Using supportive communication to foster the dept head - Jr faculty relationship by Latif.pdf  What do we know about teacher leadership by York-Barr.pdf

Effects of . . . supportive communication training . . . by Blell et al. 2010.pdf Growing Teacher Leaders in a Culture of Excellence by Searby & Shaddix.pdf Leadership = Communication - Leaders Communication Styles Leadership Styles by de Vries, Bakker-Pieper, & Osstenveld.pdf  ● Relational trust - The glue that binds a professional learning community - by Cranston.pdf Teacher leadership - More than just a feel-good by Harris.pdf Teacher leadership skills - An analysis of communication apprehension by Roby.pdf ● Innovation means relying on everyone's creativity by Margaret Wheatley.pdf

Week 3 Course Readings & Discssion Resources: Balance individual autonomy and collaboration by Thomas Sergiovanni.pdf  Communities of Practice - The Organizational Frontier by Wenger & Snyder.pdf Critical Friendship - Leading from the Inside Out - by Baron.pdf Enhancing teacher performance - The role of professional autonomy by Hyslop-Margison & Sears.pdf Evolution of Professional Learning Communities by Shirley Hord 2008.pdf Harnessing the power of protocols by DuFour 2014.pdfOverview on Teacher Autonomy.docx Professional Learning Communities Create . . . Change through Collaboration by Teague & Anfara.pdf Teacher self-efficacy and perceived autonomy . . . by Skaalvik & Skaalvik.pdf

A review on research on the impact of PLCs by Vescio, Ross & Adams.pdf Birds of a feather - by Mark Seaman.pdf Collaborative professional development - An exam of changes in tchr identity thru prof learn comm model by Prytula & Weiman.pdf Collaboration & teacher development - Unpacking resistance by Musanti & Pence.pdf ● Communities of practice - Connecting what we know with what we do by Buysse et al..pdf Communities of practice - The organizational frontier by Wenger & Snyder.pdf Communities of practice & social learning systems by Wenger 2000.pdf Critical friends groups by Earnie Cox.pdf Culture Shift Doesn't Occur Overnight by DuFour.pdf Developing a teacher identity - The impact of critical friends practice . . . by Franzak.pdf Enhancing teacher performance - The role of professional autonomy by Hyslop-Margison & Sears.pdf Evolution of professional learning Communities by Shirley Hord 2008.pdf How to Create a Professional Learning Community by Nelson, LeBard, & Waters.pdf Launching professional learning communities - Beginning actions by Leo & Cowan - SEDL.pdf Learning to be a Critical Friend . . . by Baskerville & Goldblatt.pdf Professional development within collaborative teacher study groups by Stanley.pdf Professional learning communities - Guidance for H.S. principals.pdf Professional learning communities by Feger & Arruda.pdfProfessional learning communities - What are they by SEDL 1997 - Based on Hord pdfProfessional Learning Communities by Buffman & Hinman.pdfProfessional learning communities create change through collaboration by Teague & Anfara.pdfProfessional Learning Community vs Community of Practive.pdf Schools as learning communities - by Boyd & Hord 1994 - SEDL.pdf That group really makes me think! Critical frients groups . . . by Dunne & Honts.pdf The relationship between teacher autonomy and stress, work satisfaction, empowerment, and professionalism by Pearson & Moomaw.pdf Vessels Collaboration Framework Comparison Table.pptx Where principals dare to dream - critical friends group . . . by Fahey.pdf Why Teacher Networks (Can) Work by Niesz.pdf

Week 4: Professional Learning Communities, Principals, and Collegial Conversations by Spanneut.pdf A strategic Guide for Building Effective Teams by Maeliea & Baltazar.pdf Professional Learning Communities by Wood.pdf ●  Action Research - How to Create Your Own Professional Dev Experience by Milton -Brkich et al..pdf Improved professional development through teacher leadership - by Hickey & Harris - action research.pdf  ● NSRF-New York - by Dichter & Orlen.pdfPrinciples of Design Energize Learning Communities by Easton.pdf Self-study through collaborative conference protocol - Studying self through the eyes of colleagues by Anderson et al. 2013.pdf Teachers with Drive by Coggins & Diffenbaugh.pdfTeachers helping teachers by Ghamrawi - pdfTeacher Leadership - Making Your Voice Count by Singh.pdf Teachers in the lead - A district's approach by Segall & Linton.pdf

Week 5: On the Edge by Parker Palmer.pdfWhat might be - open the door to a better future by DuFour and DuFour.pdf Shared Leadership - Can It work in Schools.pdf Who is the professional in a professional learning community - by Servage.pdf Embedded coaching by Habegger & Hodanbosi.pdfShared Leadership for Teacher and Student Learning by Printy & Marks.pdf ACE - Action Research & Teacher Leadership by Smeets & Ponte 2009.pdf 

Leadership ambiguity in universities and K-12 by Bess & Goldman.pdfInclusive & exclusive ed change by Hargreaves.pdfACE - Robert Sternberg on Ed Future & Critical Thinking.pdfRefocusing Leadership to Build Community by Sergiovanni 1999.pdfRobert Sternberg on 4 Alternsative Futures for Ed in US.pdf Classrooms as learning communities by Watkins.pdf The Leadership Attitudes and Beliefs Scale by Wielkiewicz.pdf  ● What should count as data for data-driven instruction . . . contextualized data-inquiry by Pella - Lesson Study.pdf


Tests & Measurement Walden Factor Analysis - Reduced & Modified James McNeill Set w Consent.ppt

5 narrated mini-lecture on Item Response Theory in PowerPoint:

Likert vs semantic differential & attitude measures

Slide 1

Slide 1

Program Evaluation & Research: slide show  

Research Methods & Ethics: slide show  


Announcements for Tests & Measurements Course 8316.docx IBM_SPSS_Installation_and_Registration_Instructions.pdf  ● PSYC8316_sample_final_paper (2).pdf PSYC8316_sample_paper - Final Paper (1).pdf PSYC8316_sample_paper - Final Paper.pdf  ● Standard Error of Measurement vs Standard Error of the Mean (GV version).docx Revised Test Specifications Template for Week 3 Assignment.docHelp on Week_10_quiz.docx Psych Tests & Measurememts Intro - ppt Slides - Constructs.pdf 

A methodological review of resilience measurement scales by Windle, Bennett & Noyes.pdf A non-technical approach for illustrating item response theory by Chong Ho Yu et al..pdf Abramowitz et al - Assessment of OCD . . . Dev & eval of dimensional OC Scale.pdf Adaptive Personality Testing - by Forbey & Ben-Porath -- Item Response Theory is one of two types of APT.pdf An item response theory evaluation of 3 depression instruments by Adler, Hetta, Isacsson & Brodin.pdf Asking Questions About Behavior . . . Questionnaire Construction by Schwarz & Oyserman.pdf Assessing the quality of tests . . . EFPA review model by Evers et al..pdf Book Chapter on Sources of Error by Viswanathan 2005.pdfBrown4.pdf CDC - Using Likert Scales in Evaluation Survey Work by Losby & Wetmore.pdf Clinical versus statistical prediction - by William Grove.pdf Comparison of CTT & IRT & their appl to test dev by Hambleton & Jones 1993 Ed Measurement - Issues & Practices.pdf Comparative efficiency of informal . . . and formal prediction - clinical vs statistical - Grove & Meehl 2.pdf Constructs: explanation and put in context A critical analysis of cross-cultural research and testing practices by Byrne et al. 2009.pdf Constructs - Explanation & Put in Context.pdf Controlling Acquiescence Response Bias by Item Reversals by Schriesheim & Hill.pdfCriterion Referenced vs Norm Referenced.docxCreswell article on mixed methods.pdf  ● Creswell on validity in quantitative research.pdf Essentials of Survey Research and Analysis by Ronald Polland.pdf Demonstrating the Difference between Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory by Carlo Mango.pdfDetermining sample size by Glen Israel.pdf Estimating the Sample Size Needed to Have Enough Power - research designs.docx Evolving concepts of test validation by Anastasi 2.pdf Fitting item response theory models to two personality inventories by Chernyshenko, Stark, and Chan.pdf Global norms - Towards . . . guidelines . . . norms across countries - by Bartram.pdf Guidelines . . . Evaluating Normed & Standardized Assessment Instruments by Cicchetti.pdf Holmes - Teaching Traits & Constructs through Scale Construction - a need and strategy.pdf Homeless prevalence and characteristics SAMHSA.pdf How to Determine a Sample Size - Penn State document.pdf Initial Scale Development - Sample Size for Pilot Studies -2010 - George Johanson & Gordon Brooks.pdf Intelligence - New Findings by Nisbett et al..pdf International Test Commission Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests 2010.pdf Introduction to Item Response Theory IRT_Tutorial_JournalofAppliedTestingTechnolgy.pdfItem Response Theory by Reise & Waller.pdf Item Response Theory in Personality Assessment . . . by Childs, Dahlstrom & Panter.pdf Item response theory models and practices by Hambleton & Slater.pdf Item response theory vs classical test theory Kline_Chapter_5_Classical_Test_Theory.pdf McCrae_Article on self-report and observer rating.pdf Measurement error in psych research - lessons from 26 research scenarios by Schmidt & Hunter.pdf Mowen & Voss - On building better construct measures - Implications of a gen hierarchical model.pdf Myths and realities of respondent . . . online surveys by Downes-LeGuin et al..pdf Norming & Norm Referenced Test Scores by Maximo Rodriguez 1997.pdf Operationalization & Constructs by Ian Price.docx Pellegrino-Rethinking-and-Redesigning.pdf Personality structure & assessment by Wiggins.pdf Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation by Hsu et al.pdf Practical Considerations . . . Survey Norms - Lessons . . . by Guidroz & Yankelevich.pdf Practices for the Use of Technology in High Schools - A Delphi Study by Clark.pdf Psychological Testing - Basic Concepts . . . Anne Anastasi.pdf Psych Testing on the Internet by Naglieri et al..pdf Sampling by Alberto Trobia in Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods.pdfSlow Delphi by Poirier and Robinson.pdf Standard Error of the Mean vs Standard Error of Measurement.pdfTest construction in the 1990s by Reckase.pdf Tests - Small samples, Large Consequences by Dahlstrom.pdf The Basics of Item Response Theory - by Baker.pdfThe Carroll Model by John Carroll.pdfThe Delphi Technique - by Walter Riggs.pdf The Delphi Technique - Making Sense of Consensus by Hsu & Sandford.pdf The dutch process for evaluating the quality of psych tests by Evers et al..pdf Theoretical & methodological . . . translation of 16PF5 into an African language by Mantsha.pdf Translating Tests - Some practical guidelines by van Vijver & Hambleton.pdf Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Assessment Instruments in Osych Research . . . by van Widenfelt et al, 2005.pdf Two theories . . . gentle introduction to IRT as an alternative to CTT by Amarnani.pdf Understanding Reliability by Traub & Rowley.pdf Using Likert-Type Scales . . . by Croasman & Ostrom.pdf Using the Delphi Technique in Educational Technology Research by Nworie 2.pdf what is coefficient alpha by Cortina.pdf What is ipsative testing.docx


Lifespan Development Walden

Development: slide show table on early dev

 Informed Research ACE EDTT5153  



Diverse Learners ACE    

Assessment of Learning ACE

 Community Engagement ACE